This Island's Mine

Written by Toby Hulse

Created by Roustabout Theatre

Supported by Arts Council England, Tobacco Factory Theatres and Pound Arts, Corsham.

Ariel was always here.

Caliban was born here.

And Stephano has just arrived.

They all claim ‘this island’s mine’. But do any of them have that right? And what happens if they can’t agree?

Set in the extraordinary world of Shakespeare’s The Tempest, Roustabout present a playful and daring exploration of the place we choose to call home. Filled with magic, music and mayhem, this show explores themes of colonialism, identity and place, encouraging young people to ask: Where do I belong? Where is my home? Is it truly mine?

For KS2 and above.

This Island's Mine for schools

Developed with the support of Tobacco Factory Theatres, This Island’s Mine is now available for schools and universities.

We’re thrilled to announce that the full production, filmed at the Burton Taylor Studio at the Oxford Playhouse, is now available via the subscription platform, DigitalTheatre+.

We also have a comprehensive Education Pack available, developed in partnership with the One Bristol Curriculum and the University of Bristol.

This includes a filmed staged reading of the production, commentary on the play from experts, teachers, students, and the creative team, and further reading materials which help put the play and its themes in its social and historical context, and provide stimuli for further debate and research.

Please contact us by emailing if you would like any further information.


"This is really speaking to our students… we can do something wonderful… this is cutting edge curriculum development."

All images © Craig Fuller


Written by Toby Hulse

Created & Produced by Roustabout Theatre

Funded by Arts Council England

Supported by Tobacco Factory Theatres and Pound Arts, Corsham.


Ariel: Kesty Morrison

Caliban: Robin Hemmings

Stephano: Eleanor Pead

Creative Team

Writer & Director: Toby Hulse

Associate Director: Oliver de Rohan

Designer: Maria Terry

Composer: Tarek Merchant

Lighting Designer: Jeremy Costello

Set Builder: Jonathan Attwood

Sound Designer: Oliver Wareham

Deputy Musical Director: Robin Hemmings

Movement Director: Alice Massey

Prop Maker: Tish Mantripp

Stage Manager: Guy Benedict Jones

Producers: Alice Massey & Shaelee Rooke